Our local fellowships reach out in various ways. A rapidly expanding outreach we’re excited about is radio! Radio has been a ministry for us for many years, as fellowships purchased air time on local FM stations.
Then came the idea of owning our own stations. In 2008, CJTL-FM (“Christ Jesus The Light”) launched in Pickle Lake, Ontario.

Along with that came the vision of having many “connected” radio stations – after all, we are a “Fellowship”! This really helps to connect NEFC people together while strengthening ourselves through Bible teaching… and a great way to reach people in our communities who don’t know the Lord.
In the last 10 years, we have added stations in communities in BC, Alberta, Manitoba, and in Quebec on James Bay.
We broadcast content that resounds with listeners – Native musicians, preaching, and testimonies. It enables Native believers to reach our own. For example, on the air one day, Gary Quequish shared his testimony in his Oji-Cree language. A man called into the studio, urgently wanting to know what it meant, and we connected him with a team member who spoke Oji-Cree.
It turned out that this man lived in an isolated cabin and, upon hearing Gary’s testimony, walked five miles across a frozen lake to the nearest phone. This man came to Christ and is serving the Lord today!

We regularly get requests for more stations to be built. It costs about $9600 to build and set up each of them. Local churches have taken the initiative and some have raised the entire funding. With the help of local men, radio towers have been constructed in a matter of days.
We have a main studio from where our signal is beamed up to a satellite, which sends the signal down to the various stations. Our fellowships appreciate the flexibility as they can override the main station programming anytime to broadcast their church services and other locally produced content.
Find out more about CJTL and listen live at www.cjtl.ca

From CJTL Listeners
“The worship music on the radio provides a new spirit in the community. People can look for hope there.”
– S.M.
“I listen daily when I’m driving and I’m really encouraged by the music and the messages.”
– T.F.
“I’m able to hear my own language. I just love it.”
– F.F.