NEFC Policies

This page describes in part our organizational framework and some of our policies … how and why we do things. We welcome your questions and comments – whether you are an NEFC member, a ministry partner, or an interested friend.


In 1971 the Native Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Inc., received a legal patent charter from the Canadian government recognizing NEFC as a legal incorporation. Being incorporated, NEFC has the authority to purchase land, hold property, build buildings, establish churches, etc. It gives NEFC the authority to ordain our workers to carry out the office of a church, such as solemnizing marriages.

Even though we primarily operate more as a “family” of Native churches across Canada, because of our incorporation we are in fact a denomination, an official church body.


NEFC is a fellowship of evangelical Native churches with the goal of fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) among our Native people through evangelism, discipleship, equipping and teaching the Word of God.

NEFC Board

The NEFC Board is made up of a minimum of ## persons from local NEFC churches who serve ##-year terms, and are ratified by local delegates at our annual business meetings. Our Board gives oversight to the ministry of NEFC. Our Executive Director serves under the leadership of the Board.

Local Church Governance

It is the policy of NEFC for all our local member churches to be organizationally independent. It is our common faith in Christ and obedience to His Word that unites us (see our Statement of Faith page). Each of our member churches is to strive to be self-governing, self-propagating, and self-supporting.


As self-governing bodies, our local churches are responsible to draw up their own bylaws and constitution. NEFC believes in the autonomy of its member churches. NEFC administration will intervene with a member church only when there is a doctrinal issue or a violation of a bylaw (which each member church has agreed to follow).


NEFC encourages Native Christians to witness and share the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. To be self-propagating, each local church is responsible to share the Gospel in their own community and beyond.


NEFC encourages its local churches to be self-supporting by the believers’ tithes and offerings. As the Lord blesses each Christian believer, they are to give unto the Lord (Malachi 3:10; Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 8,9). God’s work will go forward because of the believers’ faithfulness in giving.

NEFC Financial Policies

Local Church Financial Guidelines

Each local church is encouraged to purchase or rent facilities. The ideal is that the financing for the land/building should come from local Christians and local sources. The local believers should not unnecessarily rely on outside ministry organizations or individuals.

The local church will be responsible for the financial support of their pastor. If the local church is not able to give their pastor a full salary, he will need to supplement his income from other sources, including part-time employment.

Ministry Worker Financial Guidelines

NEFC Ministry Workers are responsible to raise their own financial support (i.e., they are not paid a salary from the General Fund). Gifts should be made payable to NEFC with a designation for the specific Ministry Worker. Tax-deductible receipts will be issued.

Executive members of NEFC (who are not also Ministry Workers members) are responsible to raise their own financial support (i.e., they are not paid a salary from the General Fund).

NEFC Administration Financial Guidelines

NEFC’s General Fund covers many expenses from which our local churches benefit, therefore local churches should give regularly to the General Fund. The General Fund may be supplied by other sources, but applying the self-supporting principle will mean that the Fund will primarily be supported by our member churches.

The General Fund helps sustain travel expenses (transportation costs for Executive/Board meetings and field trips to member churches and various outreaches), promotional expenses (printing/postage costs for NEFC News, promotional media, etc.), office expenses (postage, telephone, internet, facilities), and special ministry projects.