Who We Are
The reasons for NEFC to exist come from the Scriptures. God’s plan is for His Church to be planted among every “ethnos”… every nation, every people group around the world. Christ’s Great Commission given to all His followers is to make disciples by sharing the Good News of salvation and teaching His Word.
It involves gathering believers into church groups for worship, prayer, teaching, fellowship, and observance of the ordinances: baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

In NEFC we have a two-fold function: (1) We are a fellowship of local evangelical Native churches seeking to encourage and build up one another, and (2) we serve as a ministry worker sending agency.
We encourage responsibility, initiative and participation for the cause of Christ on the part of Native Christians. Each local church is responsible to share the Gospel in their own community and to regions beyond, as God leads.
Indigenous & Unique
Among Native congregations in Canada’s various church denominations, NEFC is unique. When we received our Dominion Charter as a nonprofit religious organization, we were the first in Canadian history for a truly independent and indigenous Native church society.
NEFC gives true representation to the Native people of Canada as we recognize the uniqueness of our own cultures, customs, languages and lifestyles. Our heritage as Aboriginal people provides unique and significant inroads to take the Gospel to our own indigenous communities and to the ends of the earth.
Because of Christ’s love in our hearts, we can love and respect people of all cultures. Our goal is to see strong healthy indigenous churches in indigenous communities, led by indigenous pastors and elders. But we do not believe in nor practice ethnic exclusiveness – we welcome non-Native workers, and we welcome people from all ethnic backgrounds in our local fellowships.
Local Fellowships
Though our Charter legally categorizes us as a church denomination with the authority to ordain pastors, we identify as a “fellowship.” Organizationally, our local fellowships are independent – it is our common faith in Christ and obedience to His Word that unites us (see our Statement of Faith page).
We strive to encourage Native Christian leaders and believers across Canada, even if they are not officially part of NEFC.

Local fellowships are encouraged to use their own resources to carry on, including financial support for their pastors and their facilities. We serve our local congregations, providing encouragement, counsel and administrative assistance for pastors and elders.
Presently we have fellowships located all the way from British Columbia to Quebec. Our administration office is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Our Vision
We give God praise for His work through NEFC for over 50 years, spreading the Gospel and strengthening our local churches. Our founders have passed the baton to the second and third-generation leadership who continue to uphold the strong doctrine, values and vision of the original leaders.
We thank God for working in the midst of communities with serious moral, social and political issues. We are trusting Him for healing and reconciliation through Jesus Christ. We envision a growing number of Native leaders who will effectively help our people apply the Gospel of Jesus Christ to their lives.
We believe God has given us unprecedented opportunity to offer hope through Jesus to Canada’s fast-growing Aboriginal population. We envision stronger and healthier Native churches across Canada.